Taking Stock

After a long hiatus, I decided to start writing again... I don't expect anyone to really be reading, but I just love so much going through my old entries, it's a sort of treasured diary. The image above was taken on April 25th (bank holiday here), during our bike ride at the Aqueducts park in Rome. Such a beautiful day! So much has changed since last time I wrote here, I don't know where to start. So I start by taking stock! Making: eggplant pesto. As requested by my girl, who loved it last summer. I stopped doing it during the winter, as eggplant were not so good, but husband found some nice ones and as I write they are in the oven. Drinking : water and more water. The sparkling one, thanks! Watching : videos (youtube and instagram) on home and food organizing, fitness, and, of course, makeup. Love Love Love Johnny Ross ! Reading : Minimalism , by Gwyneth Snow. Will need to start applying the suggestions, though! Enjoying : working from home 3 days a week. Makes me even...