Birthday thoughts.
I am starting this post with a picture of me, cutting a cake, on Sat night, at the end of dinner. I had my sisters, parents and little niece for dinner, and it was a very pleasant evening.
The day before I went to my ex' place, and took every last bit I had left there (winter coats, and other random stuff, such as a muffin pan, and the tablecloth you can see in the picture).
This was one of the presents I gave myself for my birthday. The lightness of knowing that everything is done, finished and closed, and I don't need to have anything to do with him anymore.
Then, for my "new year", I decided to be a tiny bit braver, and ask people to do stuff with me. I have always been pretty shy about it, because I have always thought if people want me with them, they'd ask me. But I have come to realize that others like to be invited and involved, too!
So, I was talking to a colleague I am pretty close to, and we decided to book a vacation to Sicily together, with another girl.
Then, I sent a text to a girl whom my ex introduced to me (she the girlfriend of one of his friends). She really loves art, and I invited her to come with me today to see the De Chirico exhibition. She was happy to come, and also told me I can call her whenever I want when I am in Rome, to do stuff together.
I am so glad I decided to keep in touch with her despite my break-up....
My other presents to myself for my birthday were:
- A trip to Amsterdam on the 23rd. I am pretty excited since I have never been there.
- A catalog of a picyure exhibition. The pictures are from a photographer I just discovered and immediately loved, Mimmo Jodice.
I absolutely love the symbolism inherent in retrieving the last of your belongings and beginning a new life with new choices!
I wish you happy birthday and wish you reach your goals. You didn't write nothing about your problems with your BF, so this is a big news for me.
Thank you for your answer to my last comment. I would be glad to meet you, even in Venice, though I'd prefer the place with less peagons. I am not a fan of "colombos" I'm afraid :)) I spent wonderful time in Toscany 2 years ago when took a trip to some old towns, and Firence, Sienna and Pisa with my husband. I like to travel and meet new people.
Take care, Tatjana (from Slovenia)
Tanti auguri!!!
Congrats on being done with the ex. It is such a freeing experience. Enjoy YOUR year :)