
Today I am still upset and frustrated. I am trying to concentrate on the positive, but, boy, it's hard. And above all, I don't feel like going to work tomorrow, because I don't want to hear my colleagues complaining for this same thing. I want to forget about it for a while.

I am trying to focus on the fact that everything is in my power, I will do. And I have plan b and c lined up.
The frustration comes more from the unfairiness of the whole situation, than from real lack of hope/plans.

I am also trying to focus on the lovely things that fill my life. Here they are, in a random order:
  • My beautiful, pretty, young niece. She 'll be 2 months old in 2 days.
  • Boyfriend, who is always there for me when I need.
  • My loving parents, granma, sisters, and relatives.
  • The fact that I have an apartment and food in my fridge.
  • I do have a nice job that pays really well and in this very difficult time that is not a given.

I really cannot complain. I know life is not fair, but I have a really hard time accepting this.


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