Weekly to do list.

I woke up this morning with a terrible headache, probably due to my sinuses (again!), so I decided to stay home. Tomorrow I have something very important at work, so I MUST go, and I preferred to skip work today.
As I recently confessed, I am a shameless list addict. So, here's my list of what I need/want to do this week:

  • I absolutely have to take my headset to work on Tue, for a vistual class with the Munich office.
  • Teach two classes, Mon and Wed.
  • Go to theatre on Thu
  • Doctor on Fri
  • Exam on Thu
  • Go to Zara to check out their jeans: I saw my cousin yesterday wearing a very nice pair, appropriate for work, and I want to try them on (I never bought anything from them here in Italy)
  • Write at least three artcles for the website I write for: one of my first two articles got nice ratings, and now it's like third out of twelve (yay!).
  • Go on with the book I am reading. It's a very interesting book I got for my birthday (in july!), but I never seem to have time to read! Besides, a much lighter and fluffier one is waiting for me once I am done with this (that being an incentive).
  • Take pics of interesting stores windows.
  • Call the hair salon for an appointment! It gets more and more difficult to style my hair in the morning...
  • Make a cake for Valentine's day. I already know which one, but I have to buy the ingredients (or I should delegate do bf?)
  • I am sure I'll think of more...


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